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100,000 Mentors
Sharing the Dream
The 100,000 Mentors – Sharing the Dream Project has been developed to raise awareness of the enormous potential of informal, voluntary youth mentoring to improve the quality of life and productivity of future generations, and consequently the overall prosperity of the nation.
This Word Cloud paints a picture of how youth are often portrayed by the media.

One of the main aims of the project is to explain how the simple application of a sincere, supportive enjoyable friendship can support and encourage young people who are struggling with feelings of hopelessness, worthlessness and powerlessness to think more positively about their lives, and to set goals to achieve a rewarding, productive lifestyle. The book provides examples of the numerous opportunities which exist all around us if we can see young people through a different mindset.
The project is intended to confront people with a choice:
We can join the millions of Australians who make despairing, condemning comments about youth crime, youth drug abuse, and every other negative issue associated with youth attitudes to life.
We can consider how each of us can individually invest some positive input in the young lives that are within our spheres of influence.
The dream/challenge/concept will be shared through:
Presentations to meetings of service clubs, sport clubs, chambers of commerce, churches, and any other groups which accept the invitation.
Sale of the book, “100,000 Mentors – Sharing the Dream” in hard copy or e-book.
To request a presentation to your group please contact:
To purchase eBook
Click Below
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